
Looking for roommate for 2019-2020

Home Forums Roommate Connection Looking for roommate for 2019-2020

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    • #15112

      Hi! I’m a young professional, looking for a place to move in this June. I’m interested in the 2-bedrooms at Oxford Hill, or somewhere close by. Let me know if you’re still looking for a roommate or has a place! Thanks!

    • #15147
      Allie Loughry

      Are you still looking for a roommate? I am also a young professional looking for a place in June. Email me if you’re interested in chatting more! aloughry.11@gmail.com

    • #15173
      Mel Anderson

      Hi! I have a room available!

    • #15213
      Emily Bagdasarian

      I currently live in Cambridge Square Apartments and am looking for a roommate for 2019-2020 starting in June. Rent is roughly $700 a month plus utilities.

      Here’s a little bit about me:

      I’ve been working at the McIntire School of Commerce at UVA for the last two years. I am an undergraduate from JMU (2015) and just earned my master’s degree from the College of William and Mary in 2017. I do not smoke and will occasionally go out for a drink with friends. I enjoy riding my bike on the weekends and hiking and swimming. I am single and have a few friends in the Charlottesville area. I have a small lazy (read: almost always asleep) bulldog named Peekaboo that also lives with me. I travel most weekends for work (with Peekaboo along for the ride). I am a tidy person as well.

    • #15226
      Yongsang Park


      I am a graduating medical student who will be working in the pathology department at UVA this upcoming year and looking for a roommate/housing.

      I am neat, quiet, and introverted. I completed my undergrad at UVA in 2013 and decided to stick around Charlottesville. I drink socially and am up for outdoor/social outings. My Myers-Briggs is ISTJ.

      Cell: 757-535-9330 Email: yp6zb@virginia.edu

      Please feel free to contact me with questions!

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