Hi I’m Mark,
I am looking to room with 1-3 other people. I am a young profession and would prefer to room with other young professionals/graduate students. I am moving to Charlottesville in 1-2 weeks. I am clean, tend to be a night owl, an introverted extrovert, and deep conversationalist. I am, however, very respectful of my roommates living styles (I learned how to put on a full suit and tie in complete darkness because my college roommate was a swimmer that went to bed at 9pm every night).I just want to live with kind and reasonable people. I would prefer to spend 700 or less per month. I will be working in Research Park Blvd and having a shorter commute would be great. I also would value being closer to the downtown mall and some type of fitness facility.
Regarding those who do not have an apartment but are looking for roommates, I have been apartment hunting for 2 weeks now and I am be able to save you time in the hunting process if you are interested in rooming with me.